Manucréa, boutons originaux, épingles décoratives

Handmade polymer clay buttons and decorative pin sets. Cross stitches

Trousse fleurie-Cross stitch

Trousse fleurie-Cross stitch
 Click on the magnifying glass to see the zoom 
Trousse fleurie-Cross stitch
Reference : TROUSFLEUR
Cross stitch pattern by Manucréa. Stitch count 103x247. Comes with a tiny button
No linen. No floss
2025-12-31 8.008,00 EUR
ABC mini N.1-Cross stitch
ABC mini N.1-Cross stitch
8,00 EUR
Kit embroderer-Cross stitch
Kit embroderer-Cross stitch
10,00 EUR
Cornflower-Cross stitch
Cornflower-Cross stitch
12,00 EUR
Mandala-Cross stitch
Mandala-Cross stitch
8,00 EUR
Pocket mirror 62mm N.1
Pocket mirror 62mm N.1
9,00 EUR
Pocket mirror 70mm N.2
Pocket mirror 70mm N.2
10,00 EUR
Stitching set "Nécessaire de Brodeuse"
Stitching set "Nécessaire de Brodeuse"
16,00 EUR
PDF Only
No Smoking-Cross stitch
No Smoking-Cross stitch
7,00 EUR
Air mail-Cross stitch
Air mail-Cross stitch
8,00 EUR
Marseille Soap-Cross stitch
Marseille Soap-Cross stitch
8,00 EUR